THE MINING CHEMISTRY PLANT![]() The accidental placing of a piece of uranium ore close to a photographic plate on a shelf in Beckerel's lab had turned out to be a first step towards the mastering of atomic power. Since then humanity had solved one of the greatest mysteries of nature - the secret of atom nucleus. The fact that a powerful base for the manufacturing of nuclear weapon materials had been founded in Siberia, in special underground conditions, is due to the atmosphere of the years of "cold war". Nevertheless, the establishment of the base had been carried out with great enthusiasm. The nuclear shield of Russia - the Mining Chemistry Plant - had been built in shortest possible time. ![]() The first reactor had started to work in August 1959, the second - in 1961, the third - in 1964. The plant represents two fields of industry, reactor and radio chemical ones. The technological equipment serves as the main source of radiation. Each ton of used fuel carries approximately 30 kg of radioactive waste. All the rest needs additional enrichment before entering the same industrial cycle again. The cycle is supported by the fuel regeneration plant, built in 1972. This plant has a great depository of radioactive waste. The world authorities agree to the opinion that the radioactive waste could bo stored for centuries in hardened and glazed state. The Mining Chemistry Plant grows together with the neighboring town. ![]() On the 25-year anniversary of the plant one of the town streets had been renamed after Igor V, Kurchatov, one of the most famous scientific and administrative workers of nuclear industry. Another street was named after Alexander G. Grigoriev, who has been the first worker of the plant to be awarded the title of Socialist Labor Hero. The times of secrecy are coming to an end, and the uranium energy will serve the peaceful aims in the future. ![]() On 22 September, 1992, the engineer E. Kositsyn had pushed a red button, and 180 special bars had pierced the heart of reactor. The chain reaction had been stopped for good. This moment had been a starting point of the new history of Krasnoyarsk-26 (or Zheleznogorsk). The weapons are no longer being prodused. The big world had taken a deep breath of relief, but for those who used to work at the reactor this occurence had proved to be more sad than joyful. The photo- and video-films have preserved the touching sight of a single bunch of roses somebody had laid on top of the huge reactor cover. The first and second reactors had been stopped, and only the third one continues to work, supplying the town with energy. History had tied the plant and the town together, and these ties will never break. Their biographies contain both happy and sad pages, but there is not a single page to be ashamed of. And that is much to be said. The absolutely safe and harmless technologies had never existed. The higher the level of danger, the more perfect should be the industry. One ton of uranium when it leaves the factory contains 30 kg of radioactive waste which has to be taken away and stored safely. The Fuel Regeneration Plant had been built in 1972 for this purpose. The storage of radioactive waste is a part of the plant. The waste is harmless in hardened and glazed state and could be stored quite safely for a long time. |